Dan & Theresa, David & Ginger Podoll
The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES) named Prairie Road Organic Farm and Seed as the 2014 Organic Farmers of the Year at the 25th Annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference.
“This honor really is all about the seed and how important it is to steward and respect this vital resource as a public good to be protected as a common heritage,” emphasized Theresa Podoll."Our success as organic farmers is a tribute to all the organic farmers who have worked together to continually raise the bar in developing sustainable organic production systems," she added. "And our success as seed producers is hinged on the success of every organic farmer and gardener who purchases our seed. This is truly a community effort and a community honor!"
MOSES Executive Director Faye Jones said of the award, “Organic farming is about stewardship…the Podolls showcase the values integrated in certified organic production: stewardship of soil, water and other natural resources while supporting diversity in both crops and the wild.”
“Farming must be an artful venture,” David Podoll said. “Seeds are a sacred thing. Everything we have now is built on farmers selecting seeds for millennia. All of that genetic diversity is a great gift. Seeds should not be owned, patented, or controlled.”
Our heartfelt thanks to the Board and Staff at MOSES for honoring our farm's efforts to steward the seed; and to all of our teachers, mentors, co-learners, and co-creators who have contributed so greatly to the success of our farm and organic agriculture.
Dan & Theresa, David & Ginger
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!

Used milk cartons repurposed as freezer containers
Wash and save those empty milk cartons! During the winter months, cut off the top section that forms the peak of the carton and discard. Measure and cut half-way down each of the four corners of the carton. Fold the four flaps in, overlapping and forming the cover. Fill with blanched vegetables or fresh fruit and freeze! A stackable, no-wasted space, freezer container!
But WAIT! You can reuse it AGAIN... to start your plants!
When you have used the carton for three years of vegetable storage (Yep! They last that long!)... you can use it AGAIN! This time for starting plants! [See the instructions to the right... OK! You've made and planted your cartons!] *Fast-forward: When your plants are ready to transplant into the field, lace your fingers between the plants, tip carton upside down into your palm, gently squeeze opposite corners to dislodge and slide out, separate the plugs from the dividers, and transplant! |
Here are some pictorial instructions:
Drill holes in bottom
Cut off the flaps
Form dividers
by cutting into the center
and sliding the two together
Insert divider and
fill with potting soil.
-Ready for your starter plants!
[See * Fast-forward note to the left!]